I am truly relieved and so thankful to hear all of your praises and cheers supporting my decision to take the winter off. Up until I made that announcement, I was anxious, tense, worried, stressed, tired and pretty much a mess. Now I'm simply tired! ;)
And so, what am I going to do with my time off? Am I going to escape and travel to a warm, tropical island? Do I have BIG EXCITING plans? And the answer is no, not really. The reason I'm taking the time off is that I'm tired, actually exhausted. I don't need anymore external stimuli. What I'm craving right now is simplicity - a delicate mixture of long quiet and calm moments, friendly connections and of course, delectable food!
I am looking forward to the holidays, and all of the cooking, eating, drinking, chatting, laughing and skiing it involves. I'm excited to take the full two weeks to let go, be merry and enjoy the holiday cheers! But once everyone settles back into their work routine in January, I plan to rent a little cabin and retreat in silence. I'm both excited and terrified with the thought of sitting, alone, with my crazy farming thoughts for a full week!! Eeek!! It's not going to an easy thing to do, but I also know how I will feel afterwards.
A couple of years ago, I gifted myself a retreat, and it was the perfect way to slow down my thoughts, to catch up on that much needed sleep and rest, to get back into my winter meditation and yoga routine, and to fully ground myself.
Summers are intense bursts of energy in which I tend to loose myself and get stuck in farmer mode. It's weird to say, but I often forget that I'm first and foremost a person, who loves to be creative, loving, silly and playful. And so my BIG plan this winter is to get back to my wonderful silly self, and to once again enjoy the world from that beautiful perspective!